Wednesday, September 2, 2009

American Icons

Willie Mays
What does this Icon represent to you? Why?
I have been playing baseball ever since I was a young kid, since then I have not really had an icon that can look up to but I think I have found one. Willie Mays was what I was as a kid, I started baseball at a very young age and so did he. His dad loved to play the game and so has mine. He had so much love and respect for the game like I was taught to have. He represents my passion and love for the game that I have never had for any other sports 

How did this Icon become important in American culture?

In 1951 when Mays was first drafted to the New your Yankees every single young African American baseball player probley heard about him. That first year when he played and hit 19 home runs everyone probley got to know who he was a little bit more. By then he was inspiring every single young African American baseball player that anything was possible even when you weren’t being treated the same as everyone else. He wasn’t just a baseball player he was an inspiration to all young American baseball players.

Who and what did this Icon inspire?

He inspired young children and teenagers that anything was possible if you put your effort into it and tried your hardest. I'm pretty sure that many people looked up to him in his time.

Babe Ruth represents passion and love for the game of baseball that I always had. Babe Ruth and Willie Mays are very  similar in my opinion because they both broke great milestones in the game. They both have the same inspiration on me but Babe is a inspiration on me because his parents didn't really pay much attention to him as a kid because they were to involved in work and that really stands out to me. He then found someone to look up to as a parent figure who was his "Father" in the school he got sent off to. This means to me that he was a very strong hearted kid and didn't let certain problems get to him, he just kept moving on.

Babe became an American icon when he was drafted to the Yankees. America knew he was going to be a star when he was drafted and they were right. His first season he broke the record of home runs which made the team so popular. Everyone was coming to the games and they made enough money to build a stadium known as "the house that ruth built" or yankee stadium.  

Like Willie Mays he inspired every little kid and teenager of his era and even to the present day. I'm pretty sure that every young kid that plays baseball has wanted to be just like babe ruth.

Emeril Lagasse

Ever since i was a little kid I have always loved to cook. Emeril has always been one of my favorite chefs. He started from nothing and worked his way to the top. It goes to show that anything is possible if you put your mind to it and put in 100%. He represents me because I have always wanted to be a chef when I grow up and if I was to become one he is the type of person I want to be.

Cooking is something that not many people know how to do or are good at. Emeril has a couple of TV shows teaching people to cook different types of foods whether it be from a different culture or just plain healthy food. Part of America's culture is food so i would say that he is a part of our culture by teaching people how to cook and the history behind cooking.

If you have ever watched any of Emeril's shows you might know that all of the food looks so good. When good food is made that makes you hungry it inspires people to go and cook. Also he has healthy cooking ideas that many people use and when people see these they sometimes push themselves to eat healthier. So he inspires people to eat healthy.

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