Monday, August 31, 2009

Back to School!

Please outline what you hope to gain from your upcoming junior year. What are your overall goals for the year?
This year I hope to gain knowledge about new topics for example US history. This subject has always interested me because it is our country and we all should know how it got started and the history leading up to now. Also I want to gain knowledge in every other class especially math.
I have a pretty long list of goals for this year some of them are keeping very high grades in each class, staying on task while doing homework at home, pay attention in class, and take very good notes in class. Those are just a few because I have such a long list.
Tell us about what you hope to accomplish or learn from your experiences in this Humanities class. What do you hope to learn & what do you hope to develop?
I want to improve over 100% in my writing because I am not a very experienced writer and i have herd from someone (my sister) that Randy is a excellent writing teacher. I hope to learn/develop more about photography because that is one of my favorite things to do even though i don't have my own camera and I know that we will be doing one or two projects involving photography.

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