Monday, September 7, 2009

American Icon Resources

Willie Mays
Say Hey the Autobiography of Willie Mays by Willie Mays & Lou Sahadi.
This book was written by Willie Mays himself. He talks about how he grew to be one of the greatest baseball players of all time. I would use this book because it is information directly from Mays himself. It has correct facts and correct dates from events throughout his career.
Willie Mays Interview
This interview was recorded as a video and as just audio. This can be useful because it has very detailed facts about May's childhood and his professional career. So it is a movie with actual game footage and footage of the interview made possible by the Academy of Achievement.

Emeril Lagasse
This is a biography on his own website that has useful information consisting of dates from when he opened his first restaurant to his cookbooks being published. It does not say who wrote it but I think it will be reliable because it is on his own website.

This is an interview by Emeril. I think it would be useful because you can get more out of an interview than you can with a biography. Interviews has more detailed information about specific events or people. 

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