Wednesday, September 30, 2009

# 10

Reconstruction was the period after the civil war when the south was basically trying to recuperate from the terrible loss that they had. What went well was that there were so many different types of people like Abe Lincon that were trying to help the south by coming up with great ideas to make them stronger. What went bad was that there were much more people that were trying to make it worse and people getting in the way like Andrew Jackson.

I think this is relevant today because there are people that still despise the south even after all this time and racism is still going on which was supposed to be stopped.

This article relates to reconstruction because after we entered the war in Iraq we lost so many soldiers which we didn't expect and the war is so much longer then we expected. So we decided to take our people out of there to reconstruct our military because we suffered such a great loss. 

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