Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Blog #6

1. What did you discover about your writing during this project?

During this project I learned that I can be a more detailed writer and write stronger sentences. I have also learned that when I write my first drafts they don't always make sense.

2. Identify and describe (at least) one specific writing technique that you used. How did you use it? What effect did it have on your writing?

I used the technique take it easy on the ings. What I did to use this was to go through and take out as many words with ing at the end out. It made my sentences much stronger.

3. If you had time for one more draft, what would you do?

I would go back and have more people critique it and improve even more. I would also try to incorporate more techniques into the piece.

4. Copy one sentence that you believe is well-written and/or important to your overall piece. What makes it stand out to you?

"The excitement and joy walking up to the plate and having all of the parents and kids watch me as I take center stage."

This stands out to me because it is part of my intro and it makes it very strong. I have gotten better at putting sensory detail into my writing so I think this is a good example of it.

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