Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Blog # 24


There was a sewage spill in mission valley that caused beach closures in OB. This is useful to my project because the spills in mission valley are related to the ones at PB point because sewage water goes into both of the bodys of water.


A lawsuit is going on against the city of San Diego and the SD bay over sewage spills. The clean up costs exceed $100 million. This relates to my project because it is another sewage spill controversy that is going on in San Diego

This is an article about the beach pollution in San Diego after it rains and how bad it is. It talks about PB point and how people get sick from the water. This relates to my project because it is about my question and it is useful information that I can use.


Some micro robots are being invented to map out the oceans. These can be used to see how pollution moves through the water and even how far it can travel. This can be used for my project because these are the types of things that can be useful to find what the polluted water does.


Dani's article that she found interested me because I really haven't heard much about the protection of any birds in San Diego so it was good to hear that they are being protected.

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