Saturday, June 19, 2010

Semester Reflection

What have you learned about the way you learn, work, and/or collaborate?
The way i learn is not very simple. I tend to be forgetful at times needing to go over the material again. This was a struggle for me when studying for tests. I started doing this better towards the end of the year when I would just take an hour out of my day to study. 
I can say that I am a hard worker when I apply myself for projects and class assignments. I do sometimes get off task while working in class but towards the end of the year I learned to catch myself and get back on task.

What project was most valuable to you, and what have you gained from it?
Ampersand was most valuable to me this year. One, I learned that multiple drafts can turn your work into high quality writing, and two, writing tips are very helpful in creating interesting and understandable writing.

Describe in detail one significant academic challenge you faced this year. Why was it a challenge for you? Go in depth, use specific experiences, and explain how they contrast with a less challenging experience.
One challenge I faced this year was with the balance of school, work, and sports. I went into this year with a job, taking up my time on weekends and sometimes weekdays. But I still knew school was first. Towards the middle of the year I started baseball which resulted in leaving early for games resulting in missing class. The balance was very difficult at first because I have never done anything like this. I put school first, baseball second, and work last. This was proven successful in my grades, that while juggling 3 different activities I can still maintain a high GPA.

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