Thursday, May 13, 2010

Post Trial Reflection

The main fact that I recall from the prosecution was the one ben had said about the law being unconstitutional. He stated that the law goes against the Constitution because it says that a state can not make international laws, and a state can not deal with international issues without the federal government.

The defense made a couple good points in which Dorian has said that Ellis Island was where a bunch of immigrants came in and were documented but we need that again with the Mexico/ US border.

I feel that the most important evidence was from the constitution that Ben and Davaughn has stated.

I would have to say that the most important argument was from Ben and Jan Brewer the governor of Arizona. Where Jan had said that there was no racial profiling involved in the arrests of immigrants then Ben gave us the news report of the McDonald's Raid and this totally contradicted what Jan had said. Later into the case both sides had argued back and forth about racial profiling.

I think it should be Guilty because that's what we as a Jury decided and that decision was moral to the immigrants and people of Arizona.

I think I deserve a 48 out of 50 because I focused on the trial and took great notes during the trial. I was also the head Juror and was a leader during the jury deliberation.

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