Thursday, February 25, 2010

Blog # 8

First off I think that FDR and Barack are very alike in the things they did for the people. For example FDR had a radio show which really made him popular whereas Barack posts videos on his website often kind of like a update of whats going on.

Right now we are looking in the past at what FDR did and comparing it to what Barack is going to do. Now this to me is unfair because Barack has not had a chance to prove himself and FDR has. FDR has done much more than Barack obviously like for example create the Social Security program. Now Barack is trying to fix and mend together programs that have fallen apart.

They were both put in the same exact situation where the economy has crashed and they are in charge of putting it back together. This is good and bad for both of the presidents, good because the Americans look at them as a saivor, bad because if they can't get everything together, Americans will hate them. 

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