Friday, December 4, 2009

Blog # 27

1. How do specific mental and emotional qualities (such as confidence, self-control, and more) make a person fit to climb Everest but also possibly lead to disaster?

When a person is going to try and achieve something that is hard for them and requires great amounts of effort physically and emotionally it becomes very hard on the body. If you say to yourself "I can Do it, and I will do it" this gives you extreme support. When you become confident in what you and set your mind to something you have a better chance to complete that task. But there is a down side to this and it is called over confidence. This happens when a person thinks they can do something that they really can't. On Everest you need to know your limits and when to stop.

2. What is the significance that more guides than clients died on Everest in the events of the story?

I think that this is significant because it shows that the guides took their lives to try and help their clients which is what they were supposed to do. The guides could have been over confident in their climbing which caused them to come across this problem.

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