Monday, October 12, 2009

Blog # 12

"All but one of San Diego County's 79 monitored beaches had excellent water quality during the summer months, according to a report released Wednesday by the environmental group Heal the Bay.
According to Heal the Bay's 2009 "End of Summer Beach Report Card," 78 of the 79 beaches in San Diego County monitored between Memorial Day and Labor Day received an A or B grade for water quality.The only dark spot this summer was Pacific Beach Point, which received an F grade, according to Heal the Bay."

1. This story is about the grades each beach in San Diego got after they were all tested at the end of summer. Its about one beach that got an F. Then they compare our beaches to LA's to make ours look good.

2. The missing information is the evidence for the the grades of each beach. How do we know the beaches god good grades?

3. A good follow up story would be about the beach that got an F and what the City is doing to fix it or if they will fix it.

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